General Meetings

Meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the 1st Tuesday of each month unless it falls on a holiday at: Black Bear Diner, 2401 E. Harbor Blvd. Ventura 93001. There is free on site parking available. Come as early as 6pm to order dinner. There is a set menu. Click here for directions.

Board Meetings

Board meetings take place according to the needs of the club, usually before or after the club’s General Membership Meetings, but as often as is deemed necessary at the discretion of the Club President.


THE CLEAR HOOTER is your Club Newsletter and it is published bi-monthly, 6 times a year. Newsletters are distributed  electronically. Printed copies can be mailed out when requested at time of membership renewal. The deadline for submission of any (CAMERA READY or digital) ads, stories, reports and information that you’d like to see in the next CLEAR HOOTER is the first Friday of each month. Items may be sent to the editor via email at: [email protected]


Use THE CLEAR HOOTER Classifieds. No charge to members. Non-members pay $25, Ads run will run for 3 months, unless otherwise indicated by the person placing the ad. Anyone who wants to place a commercial ad or open a commercial account may do so by calling:  Glen Dewar (805)201-5169 email: [email protected] Rates depend on size and other mitigating factors.

To place an item on our website, please contact Patrick Redd at: [email protected] or (805) 746-5379 website at:


© 2024 Central Coast British Car Club. All rights reserved.

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